Vix Vizion is an Australian based team of customer focused specialists. Our world leading technology is at the forefront of providing fast, accurate and robust video analytics and facial recognition solutions for use in security, responsible gaming, retail, student well being, health/aged care, transit and access control applications.
Contact us on (+61) 1800 861 007 or sales@vixvizion.com for sales and general enquiries.
In New Zealand, please contact Ross Hughson on (+64) 29 890 2220 or rhughson@vixvizion.com. For Partner support, please use info@vixvizion.com.
Protect your business, your customers and their privacy
Retail Safety and Loss Prevention
Real time alerts when previously identified persons of interest return to a store. Options to also identify associates of persons of interest.
Innovative returns desk application to reduce losses resulting from returns desk fraud.
Protect your business, your customers and their privacy.
Pubs, Clubs, and Responsible Gaming
Effective management of self exclusion compliance using our real time, automated, accurate and effective gaming harm minimisation alerts and reporting tools.
Provide real time alerts to staff when self excluded patrons enter gaming rooms or specified venues.
Protect staff and patrons by alerting security staff if persons of interest or repeat offenders enter a venue.
Critical Infrastructure
Enhanced Security
Security of Critical Infrastructure has been formally identified by the Australian Government via its SOCI legislation. The recent amendments now recognise an increased list of sectors including electricity, gas, water, ports, communications, data storage and processing and many more.
Vix Vizion's video analytics and face recognition can assist in meeting increased security obligations with meaningful security and access control applications to protect people and assets.
We deliver exceptional Video Analytics and Security Solutions around the world.

Detect faster and smarter
Improve your business with Vix Vizion's fast reliable intelligent video analytics soliutions.

High-accuracy data
Accurate in crowded, 1-to-1, and
uncooperative environments.

More flexible access, implement
Vix Vizion's products have flexible, easy to implement local and cloud deployment options.