Imagus Facial Recognition helps keep Dementia residents safe at Arcare Aged Care

Vix Vizion is pleased to have completed commissioning of a Imagus Facial Recognition system at Arcare’s Aged Care Residence at Brighton Victoria. The system provides real time alerts to the facility staff if nominated dementia patients are seen at the entry/exit door. When this occurs, Imagus provides real time alerts to the Whistle Integrated communications system which allows staff to go and deal with the dementia patient before they potentially leave the facility.
With this integration, Vix Vizion and Whistle users can now ensure resident safety, monitor resident activities, and streamline visitor management.
Whistle consolidates voice communication, alerts from nurse call, duress alarms, messaging, and integrations like Vix Vizion all within an app on a smartphone. By centralising these critical functions onto one device, Whistle is revolutionising aged care communications and increasing workplace efficiency. This means more time for staff to deliver the high-quality care residents deserve.
This Imagus solution helps keep dementia patients safe and reduces the possibility that a patient can go missing from Arcare’s Aged Care Residence and end up hurting themselves and causing much concern for family and friends.
Another great example of good Facial Recognition.